
Τρίτη 29 Απριλίου 2014

The Irrepressibles present The Nude: Viscera @ Gazarte ♫

The Irrepressibles
present The Nude: Viscera

    The art-pop band from Britain will present the second part of their great trilogy, Nude: Viscera, at gazARTE.

    Known for their “electro-symphonic” sound and their conceptual live shows, the Irrepressibles will stand on 
gazARTE's stage tomorrow, Wednesday 30th of April, and they will present their second EP of the trilogy Nude: Viscera and all their great songs! A special musical performance with intense sensuality and dark atmosphere. Wish I could go but I have to work...

    With their second solo album "Nude" becoming an anthem for human rights, they got great reviews and attracted fans for both the bravery and honesty of the lyrics, and the "eclectic" sound.

    Since they are not yet ready to quit the message they want to pass through the "Nude", the Irrepressibles persist and expand their message with an EP trilogy with different sound worlds. 

The first dose,The Nude: Landscapes, released in October 2013, and starts with minimalism and the symphonic soundscapes by Jamie's tenor voice accompanied by piano, guitar, violin and cello. 
The second EP, Nude: Viscera, which will be presented at gazARTE, released in February 2014, and is themed "in a physically and sexually repressed world". Pulses rise, acoustic guitars take the lead, while a strong and dark sensual atmosphere rules. 
The conclusion of the trilogy, Nude: Forbidden, released on March 24, has electronic sounds including new tracks and remixes from iamiamwhoami and Vietnamese Ghosting Seaon.

    The international press wrote about Irrepressibles:
“Our name is The Irrepressibles for a reason and we will not be content until our message of unabashed universal love reaches every corner of the planet” Altsounds.

“The eroticism and magic of the sound is overwhelming dangerous, scintillating music, fluid as mercury” The Guardian.

“an act of bravery in a cowardly world...emotionally bare it may often be, but Nude is swaddled in the most beautiful musical finery” The Independent.

Α’ zone Seated: 30€. Β’ zone Seated: 25€. Standing up: 18€
Presail @ viva.gr

Cash register:

Α’ zone Seated: 33€. Β’ zone Seated: 28€. Standing up: 20€

*Drinks not included

Event Info:
Opening act by DUSK
30th of April 2014
Starts @ 22:00
gazARTE32-34 Voutadon str., Athens (Gazi), (+30) 210-3452277, Friday - Saturday: 22.00

*Sources: http://gazarte.gr

Πέμπτη 17 Απριλίου 2014

Tom Baxter & Friends Live @ Gazarte ♫

    The British singer and songwriter Tom Baxter comes to gazARTE on April 26th and 27th.

    We first met through the single "Tell Her Today" which is my favorite.
    After the release of his third album "The Uncarved Block" he now starts his European tour. He was inspired by his trips in India. Acoustic sounds with the companion of a violinist, a pianist and a drummer.

    Opening act by the 17 year-old debutante Sma Rag Da whom we know from the single Take Your Time".

With him:
Stauros Lantsias

Special Guests:
Marietta Fafouti
Mariza Rizou
Stathis Drakos

Zone A: 35€, Zone B:30€, Zone C: 25€, Bar: 20€

Presail @ viva.gr

*Drinks not included

Event Info:
gazARTE 32-34 Voutadon str., Athens (Gazi), (+30) 210-3452277,
Friday - Saturday: 22.00
